STATUTES FOR THREE YEAR B.A./B.SC./ B.SC HOMESCIENCE/ B.COM.(GENERAL)/BBA/BCA/B.COM. HONOURS /B.A. ENGLISH HONOURS PROGRAMMES UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM(CBCS).. In this information Portal students of Under Graduate CBCS System of Jammu University affiliated Degree Colleges in Jammu Division Courses get the information o Admission, Examinations , Results , others Information well in time .
CHOICE-BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (CBCS): CBCS is a flexible system of learning that focuses from teacher centric to student centric education and permits students to Choose electives from a wide range of elective courses offered by the colleges, FOR Adopt an inter-disciplinary approach in learning, and Make best use of the expertise of available faculty..
Jatinder Singh
From Admin:
Jatinder Singh
It will help Students and Update them more quickly with latest informations.